Red Stamp Mail Reviews

Springwise: Web-based email client targets senior citizens

Much the way GreatCall's Jitterbug phones and the more recently debuted John's phones both focus on simplicity for the benefit of senior citizens, so Red Stamp Mail aims to make e-mail clear and easy for those who didn't grow up with it... read more (PDF file) »


Agewell Computer Club: A first look at Red Stamp Mail

[Red Stamp Mail] has been designed specifically for older people who want to access their existing email account on the World Wide Web, but would like a simpler and more respectful interface – with no ads, irritating widgets, popups or irrelevant screen clutter – just the email and nothing else.

The software has been written by people who very obviously have spent time training older people how to use the Internet. All of the common difficulties have been considered – and, for the most part, have been tackled successfully.  read more (PDF file) »


StartupSmart: Put your stamp on tailored technology

Most senior citizens grapple with today’s technology, but businesses are finally beginning to respond to their struggles with the development of user-friendly applications.

One example is Red Stamp Mail, operated in Israel by Platonix Technologies. Red Stamp is a web-based service requiring no downloads or installations... read more » 60plus und fit im Internet: Goldene Geschäftsideen mit den Silver Surfern

In früheren Zeiten waren die Lieblings-Onlineanwendungen der Zielgruppe 60+ hauptsächlich Online-Shopping und Googeln: Heute entdeckt und nutzen die Silver Surfer nun auch soziale Netzwerke und die Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten via E-Mail. Doch während im Bereich Online-Shopping viele Anbieter ihre Internet-Seiten den Bedürfnissen der älteren User anpassen, ist dies bei E-Mail & Co. nicht so der Fall... read more (in German) »


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